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Student Organization Handbook & FAQ

The Student Organization Handbook exists to guide student organization leaders and advisors in the governance and operation of student organizations at Mississippi College. All student organization leaders and advisors should familiarize themselves with the handbook. 

Student Organization FAQ

Can I start a student organization?

Yes, you can! The Office of Student Engagement has a process for starting new student organizations. To start a new student organization, print the Petition for Charter of a New Student Organization form. The Petition asks for the following information:

  • Name of organization and sponsoring group (if applicable)

  • Nature and purpose of the organization

  • Membership standards

  • The cost of any initiation and annual dues

  • Probable maximum enrollment

  • List of charter members for the organization

  • Data regarding regular meetings to be held during the year

  • Name and signature of organization sponsor. The sponsor must be a currently employed faculty or staff member at Mississippi College.

Petition for Charter of a New Student Organization Form

Once the proposed organization has finished the Petition for Charter, they should also complete a proposed constitution. Both the Petition for Charter and proposed constitution should be turned in to:

Office of Student Engagement & Student Wellbeing (Back Patio Offices of BCR)
MC Box 4042
email Chip Wilson, Director of Student Wellbeing, at

Once the petition and constitution are received, student organizations must be approved by two groups*:

  • Student Activities & Services Committee
  • Student Leadership Council of the SGA

The Office of Student Engagement will coordinate the approval of organizations with these groups. Organization leadership may be asked to attend meetings of these groups to answer questions and present information about the organization. Once the organization has been approved by both groups, the organization will become an officially recognized MC student organization. 

*Organizations who have been inactive for a period less than five years will only have to be approved by the Student Activities & Services Committee.

How can student organizations advertise on campus?


Student Organizations can hang flyers on campus once they are approved by the Office of Student Engagement. Flyers can be approved by visiting the Back Patio Offices of BCR and getting the flyers stamped. Once flyers are approved, they can be hung on cork strips and cork boards around campus, as well as glass doors on some buildings. Check with the departments in each building to find out approved places to hang flyers. Flyers can be hung in Residence Halls, but they must be given to the Office of Residence Life to be hung by their staff. Flyers should not be hung in the Commons.

Instagram: MIsscollege.students

Student Organizations can tag @misscollege.students on Instagram, and the account will repost on stories.

Can a student organization hold an event on campus or reserve space on campus?

Check out our entire page of Student Organization Event Information for all of the details about planning events.