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Student Engagement

Student Organizations

Mississippi College is home to a variety of student organizations.

Student Organizations

Mississippi College is home to over 50 student organizations! Student Organizations range from special interest groups to academic organizations and honor societies. Regardless of what you're interested in, Mississippi College has a student organization for you!

Each organization has one or more faculty/staff sponsors, and student organization management is overseen by the Office of Student Engagement. Many student organizations hold regular meetings and host events, as well as participate in campus-wide events such as Student Involvement Fairs and tailgating. 

For updates to the Student Organization List below, please email Chip Wilson, Director of Student Wellbeing, at

Student Organization List

Organization Name Type of Organization Sponsor/Contact
Accounting Society Academic Organization Taylor Corso
The Accounting Society connects accounting students to firms as well as members of the industry who speak at society meetings and recruit Mississippi College students. The Accounting Society allows professors to get to know students in an informal setting while students are able to learn from their professor's experiences in the field of accounting.
Alpha Chi Honor Society
(all majors)
Dr. David Magers
Alpha Chi National College Honor Society recognizes and promotes academic excellence among college and university students of all disciplines, to encourage a spirit of service and leadership, and to nurture the elements of character that make scholarship effective for good.
Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society
(Pre-Health Care)
Dr. Christopher Weeks
National Pre-health care honor society. Alpha Epsiolon Delta exists to promote student interest and engagement in the field of Health Care.
Alpha Mu Gamma Honor Society
(Modern Languages)

Dr. Amy Williamson

Alpha Mu Gamma is an honor society for Modern Language students.
Alpha Psi Omega Honor Society
Dr. Phyllis Seawright
Alpha Psi Omega exists to stimulate an interest in theater, and provide a fun community for those who love theater on MC’s campus.
American Marketing Association Academic Organization Dr. Michelle Beauchamp
The American Marketing Association exists to provide professional development and community service opportunities to students interested in the field of marketing.
American Society of Interior Designers Academic Organization Mandy Berdami
The American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) advances the interior design profession and communicates the impact of design on the human experience.
Amicus Pre-Law Society Academic Organization Melissa Jones
Amicus exists to educate students on the law field as well as help them progress toward law school.
Associated Computing Machinery (ACM) Academic Organization

Dr. Tom Bennet

Associated Computing Machinery (ACM) is a student organization for students in the Computer Science Department. 
Association of Student Social Workers Academic Organization Dr. Laurie Lawson
The purpose of the Association of Student Social Workers of Mississippi College is to provide service-minded students of any discipline with an organization that is committed to serving those in need by adhering to the standards, values and ethics of the social work profession. The ASSW exists to meet the needs of individuals and needs in the community by working together to utilize the resources of money, time and willingness to serve to spread hope to those in need, and to empower people with the skills and knowledge necessary to create for themselves a brighter tomorrow.
Beta Beta Beta (Tri Beta) Honor Society
Dr. Jerry Reagan
Jana Thoma
Beta Beta Beta exists to improve the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. The organization is open to any student with an interest in biology.
Choctaw Swing Dancers Special Interest Organization Claudia Conklin
The goal of the Choctaw Swing Dancers is to teach people to swing dance and to hold swing dancing events. The organization has also participated in MC's annual Swerve Dance Competition. 
Donald Fisher Student Society Academic Organization
(PA Program)
Megan Colvin
Donal Fisher Student Society members pledge to promote academic excellence, student wellness, community volunteerism, and clinical preparedness in order to promote the PA as a fundamental member of the health care team.
History Club Academic Organization (History) Dr. Christian Pinnen
The History Club welcomes students from across campus, regardless of major. We foster community with any who has an interest in history and we organize small events around campus and visit museums and historical sites.
International Students Association Special Interest Organization Mei-Chi Piletz
The International Students Association provides a platform to showcase the various international cultures present at MC and build a connection between the domestic and the international communities.
Jackson Free Clinic Health Ambassadors Academic/Special Interest Organization Dr. Stan Baldwin
The Jackson Free Clinic Health Ambassadors' primary purpose is to encourage undergraduate and graduate students to improve the health of Mississippi, especially Clinton, MS, through service to the community in a medical context consistent with the mission of Jackson Free Clinic.
Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society
Dr. Cindy Melton
Dr. Mario Keys
Kappa Delta Pi inspires and equips future and new teachers so they can thrive inside and outside the classroom.
Kappa Pi Honor Society (Art) Ray Gregory & Albert Smathers
Kappa Pi seeks to form bodies of representative students who will, by their influence and artistic interest, uphold the highest ideals of a liberal education; to provide a means wereby students with artistic commitment meet for the purpose of informal study and communication; to raise the standards of productive artistic work among the students in colleges and universities; to furnish the highest reward for conscientious effort in furthering the best interest of art in the broadest sense of the term, by election to membership in the Fraternity, based upon such meritorious work.
Kinesiology Student Association Academic Organization Dr. Carol Lee
Penny McNair
The Kinesiology Student Association promotes professionalism and the image of kinesiology throughout the campus, community, professional involvement, and service.
Lambda Pi Eta Academic Honor Society Dr. Merle Ziegler
Lambda Pi Eta is the National Communication Association's official honor society at four-year colleges and universities.
MEDLIFE Special Interest Organization  
MEDLIFE is dedicated to serving our community and other underserved communities through medicine, education, and community development.
MC Women in Business Academic/Special Interest Organization Dr. Tammy Arthur
Michele Ricker
Mississippi College Women in Business is an organization for undergraduates, graduates, and alumnae that is committed to the growth and development of female students at the University. In collaboration with the MC School of Business, our objectives are to:
  • Provide a supportive community that guides members in their business endeavors
  • Educate members of various career opportunities, trends, and challenges that women may experience in the business world
  • Build confidence to utilize the skills that Christ has given them
Mortar Board Honor Society
(all majors)
Dr. Katherine Heard
Mortar Board is considered the premier national honor society for college seniors that recognizes their achievements in scholarship, leadership and service.
MC Investment Club Academic/Special Interest Organization Dr. Marcelo Eduardo
The MC Investment Club learns about real-world investing within the Mississippi College School of Business.
MC Math Club Academic Organization Dr. John Travis
Dr. Taylor Poe
The MC Math Club exists to foster a love of mathematics in the world around us.
MC Mock Trial Team Special Interest Organization Eric Brown
The Mississippi College Mock Trial Team provides an incredible and unique experience for those interested in practicing law. Students will spend several months researching and preparing a case, acting as either lawyers or witnesses, and learning how to practice law in a real life setting. The Mock Trial Team also competes against other schools from across the country during the spring semester.
MC Students for Life Special Interest Organization  
MC Students for Life exists to protect the rights of the unborn.
MC Ultimate Frisbee Club Special Interest Organization Dr. John Meadors
Dr. Steven Patterson
The MC Ultimate Frisbee Club exists so members can learn the game of ultimate frisbee and participate in local tournaments.
MC Pre-Physician Assistant Club Academic Organization Dr. Erick Bourassa
The MC Pre-Physician Assistant Club equips students pursuing the PA occupation for applying to and being successful in PA school.
MC Student Chapter of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Academic Organization Dr. Chris Maggio
The purpose of the MC Chapter of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) shall be the dissemination of knowledge and practice of the many aspects of electrical engineering, physics, programming, and mathematics, as well as to enhance the professional development of the students of Mississippi College.
Multicultural Student Association Special Interest Organization

Dr. Damien Thomas

MSA aims to foster an inclusive and diverse environment for students by establishing relationships, understanding cultural values, and encouraging student development by promoting diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion through various conversations, events, activities, and programs.
Phi Alpha Honor Society (Social Work) Dr. Laurie Lawson
Phi Alpha Honor Society fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership social work students, faculty and practitioners.
Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society (History) Dr. Christian Pinnen
Phi Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) is an American honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history. The society has over 400,000 members, with some 9,000 new members joining each year through 970 chapters nationwide.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Honor Society
(music fraternity for men)
Mr. Duval Salvant
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia exists for the advancement of music in the United States of America.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
(transfer students)
Anna Clayton Nagle
Phi Theta Kappa shall provide opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate for exchange of ideas and ideals for lively fellowship for scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.
Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy Club Academic Organization Dr. Carol Lee
Penny McNair
The Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy Club exists to educate and prepare students who want to pursue a career in PT or OT.
Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society (Social Sciences)  
Pi Gamma Mu seeks to improve scholarship in the social studies and to achieve synthesis therin.
Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society
Dr. Melinda Gann
Pi Mu Epsilon is dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding.
MC Pre-Dental Society Academic Organization Dr. Erin Norcross
The mission of the Pre-Dental Society is to provide students interested in a career in dentistry the opportunity to participate in educational, community, and social activities that will enhance their knowledge of the profession and assist them in becoming excellent dental school applicants.
MC Scouts (Student Recruiters) Special Interest Organization Meagan Eubanks, Carly Fisher &
Drew Ahlrich
MC Scouts assist the Office of Admissions in recruiting students to Mississippi College through campus tours, communication with prospective students and assisting with special events.
National Art Education Association (MC Chapter) Academic Organization Elise Payne
The National Art Education Association (MC Chapter) exists to assist future art educators.
Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Society
(all majors)
Omicron Delta Kappa (ODK) is a national honor society which helps leaders improve their skills, share their ideas, and continue to make a difference in their communities.
Psi Chi Honor Society
Dr. Katherine Heard
Psi Chi exists to recognized and promtoe excellence in the science and application of psychology.
Public Relations Association of MS (MC Chapter) Academic Organization Dr. Mignon Kucia
The MC Chapter of the Public Relations Association of MS exists to help students connect with professional public relation practitioners.
Sexual Assault Prevention Ambassadors (SAPA) Special Interest Organization Dr. Kristi Melancon
The purpose of SAPA is to promote knowledge of sexual assault and prevention to students on our campus. We will work towards educating our student body about their Title IX rights. We also will strive to provide a safe place for students who are affected by sexual assault.
Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society
Amber Nesenson

The School of Nursing's local chapter, Omicron Lambda, is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. The vision of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International is to create a global community of nurses who lead in using knowledge, scholarship, service and learning to improve the health of the world's people. Impacting world health begins at the local level and opportunities for growth and participation are many. Members explore evidenced-based principles and practice, interact with other nurses, and learn from others by attending honor society meetings and events. 

Membership is by invitation to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate excellence in scholarship, leadership, and/or service/ministry and to nurse leaders exhibiting exceptional achievements in nursing. Senior students in the top third of their nursing class are invited to join. The induction ceremony is a highpoint of spring activity, welcoming new members and celebrating nursing. Many members hold leadership positions both at the local and international levels.

Social Justice Club Special Interest Organization Dr. Steven Price (English)
Autumn Norman
The Social Justice Club brings awareness to social issues in our local and worldwide community in hopes of creating a more inclusive future for everyone.
Student Athlete Advisory Committee Special Interest Organization Leigh Streetman & Miguel Black
Mississippi College SAAC is a motivated, organized, and service-based organization that seeks to provide better opportunities for student-athletes as well as being the hands and feet of Christ to the surrounding community in any way possible.
Student Members of the American Chemical Society (SMACS) Academic Organization Dr. Trent Selby
The objects of this Chapter shall be to afford an opportunity for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, to foster a professional spirit among the members, to instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist.
Student Nurses Association Academic Organization Callie Tate, Mary Ellen Stewart

All nursing students are members of the Mississippi Student Nurses' Association (MSNA), which is the student nurse professional organization.

Student Nursing Association Website

Social Responsibility Club Academic/Special Interest Organization Dr. Sara Kimmel

The Social Responsibility Club exists to glorify God by uniting the School of Business around the service of others.

Tabletop Gaming League Special Interest Organization Dr. Nathan Tullos
The Tabletop Gaming League allows those interested in tabletop games a place to easily find and join tabletop games, and allows those who haven't played before to try somethign new. The leagues gives studentes inexpensive social opportunities on campus that can also help develop team-building, leadership and communication skills.
Turning Point USA Special Interest Organization Dr. Glenn Antizzo
The purpose of Turning Point USA is to educate students about the benefits of limited government, capitalism, free markets and freedom.
