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If you decide you no longer want to be a New Member of a club or tribe, you will need to fill out the form below. 

New Member Drop Policy

Any New Member who wants to drop from their club or tribe and wants to have the opportunity to participate in the Recruitment and New Member Process in the future must complete 1 week of The Process. Therefore, any person who submits a drop before midnight on Saturday, September 27, 2024 will not be allowed to participate in the Recruitment/New Member Process again.

Once a New Member becomes an active member of an organization, they may not participate in Recruitment again and go through the New Member Process of another organization unless they are approved through the transfer appeal process.

Hazing Report Form

The purpose of this form is to encourage members of the Mississippi College community to report acts of hazing by an student, organization or MC sponsored group. Reports will be forwarded to the appropriate Mississippi College official or office. Reports can come from any member of the MC campus community.

You are not required to give your name and personal information, but anonymous reports may be harder to investigate.