Share Your Journey with MC Merit Pages
To help celebrate the success of our students, Mississippi College uses a hometown news platform called Merit Pages to share success stories about MC students. Merit Pages include individual profiles for each student, which can be customized. University-verified stories are automatically sent to family, local news outlets, high school principals and state representatives and can be shared by students and parents across social media.
MC Merit Pages FAQ
Merit Pages creates a university-verified digital page for each student that highlights their achievements such as making the Dean's list, graduating, studying abroad and other important milestones. Student pages are automatically built as the university shares success stories and achievements. This creates a personal newsroom for students academic career, showcasing accomplishments, achievements, activities and more. In addition to these automatic updates to your page, you can further customize it with photos, extracurricular activities and more.
Stories are automatically shared with students, their family, their high schools, hometown newspapers and state legislators. This digital newsroom can also give students a head start on resume building and connection making.
MC regularly publishes news items and awards lists detailing student accomplishments. Additionally, MC’s Marketing and Communications team works with relevant departments to determine students who participated in campus events or activities that deserve recognition. These stories and lists are then published through Merit Pages, where they are personalized for the students and automatically shared with families, high schools, hometown newspapers and state legislators.
Story ideas can also be submitted by using the contribution form on the Merit Pages portal.
When your name is included in a Merit achievement, you, your family members (based on admissions documentation), hometown newspapers, high school principals and counselors and state legislators will receive an email notification that you are being recognized. From there, recipients can send congratulatory messages and share the article on social media.
Merit achievements are shared based on the information you submitted when you registered at MC. Stories are sent to your university email address and are automatically shared with the family member email addresses provided as part of the admissions process. Hometowns and state legislators are determined based on the zip code associated with the students’ permanent address, and high schools are based on the information students provided during their admission application.
Most of this information can be updated in your Merit profile. To view and make changes to your account, login to Merit and go to “My Account.” From there, click on “Privacy.”
After logging in to their personal page, students can create a custom URL for their Merit Page, add a profile photo, biography, work experience, other activities or connect to their LinkedIn profile so these updates are made automatically. Changes can also be made to personal information, such as name, email address, hometown and major.
Family members whose email addresses are on record with the university will automatically be alerted via email each time a new story is posted. Other family members can visit the MC Merit Pages portal, search for their student and click the “follow” button. They will be prompted to create an account that allows them to follow students’ achievements. Students will receive an email notification each time they gain a new follower.
Students can easily block any unwanted followers. If a student prefers not to share these stories with family members associated with their registration, they can remove those email addresses from the automatic distribution by logging into their Merit account, clicking on “My Account” and then clicking “Privacy.”
Once students are enrolled at MC, they will receive a Merit welcome message to their university email account that includes a link to their personal page along with a temporary username and password that can be changed once they have logged in.
Students can also visit the Merit Pages website and click “Sign in” at the top right corner and follow the “Forgot your password?” steps to log in with their MC email address.
Content shared by Merit Pags will only include information about students that is designated as “Directory Information” under the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Students can control privacy settings, including how people can discover their Merit page, disabling followers, etc. Click here to learn more about configuring Merit page privacy settings.
Opting out not only removes your page from, but it also prevents the university or any other participating Merit organization from publishing achievements about you in the future. When first visiting your Merit Page, you have an option to click the “opt out” button right away. You can also click the “opt out” button at the bottom of the welcome email you received. If you decide to opt out later, you can click “my account,” “privacy,” and then “opt out.”