Our role is to provide students with disabilities with reasonable accommodations that will enable them to thrive academically, working alongside faculty and staff in providing those accommodations, and maintaining compliance with ADA and Section 504.
Our institution is mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to provide accommodations to students in the classroom setting. These laws prevent discrimination against students with disabilities.
After students provide their documentation, the student’s documentation is reviewed, and the student then meets with SAS to identify and discuss the recommended/necessary accommodations they are needing.
Yes. Any concerns or issues that may arise regarding providing accommodations to a student can be addressed with the Student Accessibility Services.
It depends. Some courses may have different course requirements and class structures than others. Some accommodations may be unaffected by those factors (ex. Preferential Seating accommodations), while others may be more challenging. It is best to consult with the Student Accessibility Services regarding any challenges that may arise when attempting to provide accommodations to our students.
The determination for reasonable accommodations is made through Student Accessibility Services. If faculty or students have questions regarding their accommodations, they should contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Services with any questions.
Yes. Providing accommodations to students with a disability provides them with opportunities to thrive academically on the same level as students without disabilities.
The student first must complete the Accommodation Request Application and be approved through Student Accessibility Services for their accommodations. The accommodation letters will be generated and emailed to each of the student’s professors.
How accommodations will be provided and if some accommodations apply to that class specifically. The professor may reach out to Student Accessibility Services for any questions regarding how or if they can provide certain accommodations.
Students approved for exam accommodations should receive those accommodations from their professor(s). If a faculty member finds that they are unable to provide the exam accommodation, they should contact Student Accessibility Services to make them aware.
Students should work with staff members of Accessibility Services and their professors to find an appropriate location to take their exams based on the accommodation(s) for that particular student.
It is the student’s responsibility to request for arrangements for their exam accommodations prior to the exam. Professors are not obligated to provide accommodations immediately before an exam.
Accommodations do not apply to past class assignments and tests. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Due to confidentiality, you may not discuss a student’s accommodation in the presence of other students or faculty without the student’s consent.