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The Modern Language department offers an English Learner Certificate Program (EL Certificate) in TESOL at the graduate and undergraduate level. The purpose of the certificate program is to develop qualified students who have an interest in teaching English to non-native English speakers. This is an interdisciplinary program with courses in linguistics, teacher training and pedagogy, research, and multicultural understanding, incorporating the departments of Modern Languages, Education, English, and Communication.

At the undergraduate level, students may also choose to minor in TESOL. The minor consists of 18 hours, including the four courses for the EL/TESOL certificate and 6 additional hours.

To see some of what our EL/TESOL students are doing to implement their classroom learning and engage our local community, see the following MC News segment about our annual Multicultural Fair with Eastside Elementary here.

If you have already completed the EL/TESOL Certification Program and would like to receive your certificate, please follow the link below.

EL/TESOL Certification

This four-course program meets the required guidelines for an add-on endorsement by the Mississippi Department of Education for English as a Second Language. This is available for undergraduate students as well as currently certified Mississippi teachers, and as a bonus, Mississippi College offers a 30% tuition reduction for all teachers K-12.

The courses for this certificate program include:

Course Number Course Name Hours
MLG 450/5450 The Multicultural Classroom 3
MLG 451/5451 Second Language Acquisition 3
MLG 452/5452 Applied Linguistics 3
MLG 453/5453 Methods & Field Studies 3

Intensive EL/TESOL Certification (Summer Only)

The Intensive EL/TESOL Certification Program is for graduate and undergraduate students and is designed to complete all 12 hours of required coursework in a one-month time period. Typically, the summer intensive takes place during the month of either June or July and students receive a discount for enrolling in the block certification. Details about tuition and course dates are available in February each year.

***Our Intensive EL/TESOL Certification Program is conducted remotely, with a mixture of live video classrooms via Zoom, recorded lectures and online work.***

Summer 2025 Schedule

Course Number

Course Name | Professor


MLG 450/5450

The Multicultural Classroom | Krason

May 27 - 30, 2025

MLG 452/5452

Applied Linguistics | Krason

June 2 - 6, 2025

MLG 451/5451

Second Language Acquisition | Fuller

June 9 - 13, 2025

MLG 453/5453

Methods & Field Studies | Fuller

June 16 - 26, 2025

If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact us at

TESOL Minor (Undergraduate students only)

To minor in TESOL, students must complete the four courses listed above and 6 additional hours. The additional hours must come from the following courses:

Course Number Course Name Hours
COM 301 Nonverbal Communication 3
ENG 321 Sentence Grammar and Style 3
ENG 322 Language and Diversity 3
ENG 455 Methods of Teaching Composition and Grammar 3
ENG 457 History of the English Language 3
MLG 205 Cross-Cultural Understanding 3
MLG 375 Phonetics and Phonology of English 3
MLG 401 Sociolinguistics and Dialect 3