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Teacher Education & Leadership

Early Childhood Care and Development (B.S.)

The Early Childhood Care & Development degree prepares individuals for service as teachers, leaders, and administrators in early childcare settings.

Earn a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Care & Development 

This non-licensure program prepares students for the unique challenges faced in providing early childhood care for children and families in a variety of settings.

The Early Childhood Care & Development program a non-licensure degree program that helps prepare students for a professional career in the discipline of Early Childhood Education. Students develop competencies that enable them to provide integral services to young children and families, as well as teach and direct in daycare and preschool programs. The program includes classroom instruction, supervised laboratory experiences, and practical hands-on training from experts in the field.


As an Early Childhood Care and Development major, you'll take courses in topics such as:

  • Child Psychology
  • Advanced Child Development
  • Psychology of Exceptional Children
  • Educational Psychology

The B.S. in Early Childhood Care and Development is a non-licensure program; therefore, students in this program do not have to be formally admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP.)

Transfer Guidance Sheet

Students who plan to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Care & Development could take up to 65 hours at a Mississippi Community College to transfer to Mississippi College at the time of admittance and enrollment. Please see the guidance sheet below for suggested courses. 

Catalog Listing

Requirements Class Name Hours
University Core Courses   52 
Professional Education Courses   34
EDU 299 Pre-Teaching Field Experience 1
EDU 300 Introduction to Education 3
EDU 304 Educational Psychology 3
EDU 317 Introduction to Instructional Technology 3
EDU 320 Principles and Methods in Early Childhood Education 3

EDU 411

Children’s Literature/Reading


EDU 426

Literacy Instruction for Early Childhood Education

KIN 302 Professional Protocol 3
PSY 305 Child Psychology 3
PSY 435 Psychology of Exceptional Children 3
Kinesiology Electives (Choose 2)    

KIN 211

Basic Principles of Nutrition


KIN 219

General Principles of Safety


EDU 427

 Health Education Workshop

Early Childhood Care and Development Subject Matter   24
EDU 301 Methods of Elementary School Teaching 3
EDU 309  Early Literacy I 3
EDU 334 Early Literacy II 3
EDU 425

Advanced Child Development

EDU 452

Programs, Methods and Materials of Early Childhood

EDU 453

Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Programs

EDU 465

Policies and Procedures for the Organization and Administration of Early Childhood Programs

EDU 466

Child Study and Management in the Early Childhood Setting

Interdisciplinary Courses   21
ART 207 Art in the Elementary Schools


BIO 145 Introduction to Earth Science 3
MUS 225 Music for Children 3
KIN 306 Methods and Materials of Teaching Physical Education in Elementary Schools 3
GEO 210 Principles of Geography 3
Choose one of the following     
KIN 312 Family Life and Wellness 3
SOC 309 The Family 3
Total    131

See the MC Catalog for the most up-to-date course requirements.