Training Our Staff and Students Have Attended
A. Campus-Wide Initiatives
(1) Rock Out the Red Zone
Sexual Assault Prevention Ambassadors (SAPA) planned Rock Out the Red Zone in September 2021 and September 2022. The "red zone" refers to the first six weeks of college where students are at their highest risk for sexual assault and engaging in behaviors such as binge drinking.
Topics covered: Campus safety, Bystander Prevention, & Title IX
(2) The Clothesline Project
- Sexual Assault Prevention Ambassadors (SAPA) planned this event on campus for all students to attend March 2021 and March 2022. The Clothesline Project is a visual display of violence statistics that often go ignored. Each shirt is made by a survivor of violence or by someone who has lost a loved one to violence. The color of each shirt represents a different type of violence.
B. In Person Training Sessions
(1) Student Athletes
- Both Male and female student athletes learned Bystander Prevention Tactics and about healthy relationships. The training was organized by the Athletic Department, Deputy Title IX Coordinator and the Coaches.
(2) Resident Assistants and Student Leaders
- In August 2021 and August 2022, Title IX Coordinator conducted in-person training.
- Topics covered: MC Sexual Harassment Polices and Laws; Types of Sexual Misconduct; Role of the RA; What is consent?; Report Procedures; Preventative Measures.
(C) Solutions Training Webinars
(1) Title IX Rights and Protections
- Title IX requires colleges and universities to promptly investigate and formal complaint and takes steps to protect students. This course provides students with information about the importance of Title IX and what an institution’s obligations are when a formal complaint is filed. Topics include: definition of sexual harassment, Title IX regulations and obligations, and grievance procedures.
(2) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention
- Alcohol and other drugs is a reality-driven online course designed to educate students on the risks of the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, and to teach successful strategies for handling dangerous situations related to these substances.
- The course features four modules: Your GPA, Your Brain, Your Peers and Your Life.
- Each section provides extensive, research-backed evidence of the detrimental effects alcohol and other drugs can have, and how social skills and interactions can help reduce harm associated with these substances.
(3) United Educators - Lasting Choices: Preventing Sexual Assault
A. Online Training Sessions
(1) Gulf Coast Campus Safety Summit
Several members of Sexual Assault Prevention Ambassadors (SAPA). attended as well as two Public Safety Officers and the Title IX Coordinator attended the 2022 Summit.
- Topics covered during the Summit: Husch Blackwell presented two detailed sessions on Title IX Obligations and Requirements and clarifying the Clery Act.
(2) CCCU Sessions for Title IX Coordinators
- Addressed practical steps to preserving and protecting faith-based institution's religious exemptions under Title IX and the other on the informal resolution process.
(3) Education Admin Webinar for Title IX coordinators in higher education
Topics: Addressing and Investigating Sexual Harassment Under Title IX, Title IX Bootcamp for Higher Education, Considering Other Issues to Title IX Sexual Harassment, including Appeals of Decision
- Received Title IX Certification at the completion of the 3-day webinar
(4) Mississippi State University Legal Issues Conference- Training
- Title of Sessions: Overview of Sexual Assault on Campus; Student Organizations: Student Government and Student Press; The Only constant is Change: Building a Title IX System to Withstand Political Shifts; Politicians, Professors, and a Pandemic: Reviewing Two Years of Free Speech.
(5) Husch Blackwell - Annual Title IX Trainings for Coordinators, Investigators, and Title IX Team Members - 2025
(6) United Educators - Trust Betrayed
(7) United Educators - Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together
(8) United Educators - Prevent Sexual Violence Together
B. In Person Training Sessions
(1) New Main Campus Faculty
- The purpose of the training session is to inform and educate new faculty MC’s policies pertaining to Title IX situations. In addition, the presentation provides an overview of what Title IX and sexual harassment explained.
(2) New Law School Faculty
- The purpose of the training session is to inform and educate new faculty MC’s policies pertaining to Title IX situations. In addition, the presentation provides an overview of what Title IX and sexual harassment explained.
(3) Coaches
- General Counsel and the Title IX Coordinator met with all the coaches about Title IX, importance of reporting, compliance etc.
(4) Association of Title IX Coordinators Administrators (ATIXA) - Annual Conference - 2023
(5) Association of Title IX Coordinators Administrators (ATIXA) - Annual Conference - 2024
C. Solutions Training Webinars
(1) Title IX Role of Employees
- Title IX is key to ensuring all students are free from discrimination and exclusion in their access to education. But making sure all students are protected isn’t completely on the shoulders of Title IX Coordinators. They often rely on members of the campus community to help. This course provides college and university faculty and staff with an overview of Title IX and the responsibility for Title IX enforcement by employees. Topics include: employee role in Title IX enforcement, key terms and definitions and reporting procedures.
(2) Regulations and Roles Overview Title IX
- While all staff members have some responsibility under Title IX, the Title IX coordinator is charged with managing overall compliance and ensuring all employees and students on campus are aware of their obligations and their protections under Title IX. This course provides administrators with an overview of Title IX requirements and the role of the Title IX Coordinator. Topics include: sexual harassment, methods of awareness and prevention, ways to address sexual harassment and procedures for investigation and grievance processes.