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Department of Communication

Public Relations

The Public Relations concentration helps students develop the necessary tools for relationship building and success in corporate and issue advocacy.

Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations

Develop essential skills for effective message creation, media campaign design, and organizational and issue advocacy.

Public Relations students build skills in relationship building, marketing, and corporate and issue advocacy. Potential careers include consultant, marketing manager, advertising professional, company spokesperson, and more. All Communication majors also take a foundational selection of courses in public speaking, communication law and research, public relations, mass media, graphic design, and journalism.

Public Relations is offered as a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. The B.A. degree requires an additional twelve hours of foreign languages. 

Requirements Class Name Hours
University Core Courses   42 
Communication Core   28
COM 102 Communication Research & Writing 3
COM 103 Fundamentals of Digital Communication 3
COM 201  Communication Ethics 3
COM 202 Interpersonal Communication 3
COM 304  Public Speaking 3
COM 442 Communication Law 3
COM 443 Public Relations 3
COM 480 Communication Internship 3
COM 499 Senior Portfolio 1
JOU 333

Introduction to Journalism

Public Relations
Concentration Courses
Choose 18 hours from among these courses 18
COM 334 Digital Media Workshop 3
COM 360 Social Media Communication 3
COM 444 Practices in Public Relations 3
COM 457 Strategic Crisis Communication 3
COM 458 Strategic Ministry Communication 3
COM 459 Audience Analysis 3
COM 474 Media Analytics 3
JOU 454 Public Relations Writing 3
Minor   18
Electives   12
Foreign Languages
(Bachelor of Arts only)
Additional Electives
(Bachelor of Science Only)
Total    130