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Biological Sciences


The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biology Research track is created for students who wish to do graduate work in Biology and pursue a career in research.

Earn a Bachelor of Science in Biology Research.

Take advantage of one of the best undergraduate research opportunities in the region and develop the solid foundation a career in biological research requires.

The Biology department at Mississippi College has one of the best research facilities for undergraduates in the southeastern United States. The biology faculty are dedicated to research and are happy to have undergraduate students assist. The research track affords students the opportunity to do research in cancer, virology, molecular biology, field biology, and many other areas. Many students use their research experience to go on to graduate school to pursue their Ph.D.

Requirements Class Name Hours
University Core   36
Biological Science Core Requirements   38
BIO 110/111

Biology I

BIO 112/113 Biology II 4
BIO 305 Cell Biology 3
BIO 306 Genetics 3
BIO 307 Cell & Genetics Laboratory 2
BIO 431 Biology Seminar 1
BIO 432 Biology Capstone 1
BIO 433 Biology Capstone 1
CHE 141 General Chemistry I
CHE 142  General Chemistry II 
CHE 303 Organic Chemistry I 3
CHE 304 Organic Chemistry II 2
Choose the two 100 level courses or the two 200 level courses    
PHY 151 General Physics I 4
PHY 152 General Physics II 4
PHY 251 Fundamentals of Physics I 4
PHY 252 Fundamentals of Physics II 4
MAT 207 or MAT 208 Elementary Statistics / Bio Stats
Choose one from following courses     
MAT 121  Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 
MAT 206  Applied Calculus 
Choose one of the following courses     
COM 203  Professional Communication Skills 
COM 304  Public Speaking 
Research Track    31 
300-400 Biology Electives    
BIO 329 Molecular Biology 
Additional semester hours of 300-400 level biology courses   8
Independent Research Requirements

Choose six hours from the following:

  BIO 451 - Independent Studies and Research 3
  BIO 452 - Independent Studies and Research 3
  BIO 453 - Independent Studies and Research 3
  BIO 454 - Independent Studies and Research 3
  BIO 361 Reading and Research for Honors I 2
  BIO 462 Reading and Research for Honors II 2
  BIO 463 Reading and Research for Honors III 2
Chemistry Five semester hours consisting of:  
CHE 303-313

Organic Chemistry

Physics Choose eight semester hours from:  
PHY 151 General Physics I 4
PHY 152 General Physics II 4


PHY 251 Fundamentals of Physics I 4
PHY 252 Fundamentals of Physics II 4
General Electives  Sufficient elective hours must be taken to meet the minimum hour requirement for graduation (130 hrs). Electives should be chosen in consultation with advisor.  -- 
Total  Hours    130