Tribal Chief
Tribal Chief Cyrus Ben is the fifth democratically elected Chief of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians. Having been officially sworn into office on July 9, 2019, Chief Ben is guided in his leadership and service to the Choctaw people by five key initiatives: respect of others, fairness and equality to all, accountability in all areas, efficiency in practices in addition to the support and appreciation of all employees and Tribal members. Chief Ben feels strongly about educating and mentoring our youth and shows this by being actively involved within his community. Chief Ben is a 2001 graduate of Mississippi College, where he played football. A life-long resident of Neshoba County, Mississippi, Chief Ben and his wife TaRita raise their children, Brodie, Eden, and Selah, in the Pearl River community.
The Tribal Council
The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians is governed by a democratically-elected 17-member Tribal Council that is responsiblie for passing laws and regulations on Tribal lands. Council members are elected to staggered 4-year terms from the eight Choctaw communities of Bogue Chitto, Bogue Homa, Conehatta, Crystal Ridge, Pearl River, Red Water, Standing Pine, and Tucker.