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Building Abbreviation Building Name
ALUMNI Alumni Hall
ANNEX Art Annex
AVEN Aven 
B-HALL Band Hall
BBCNC Broadmoor Baptist Church Campus
CCROFT Cockroft
CLSEUM A.E. Wood Coliseum
EASTCA East Campus
FLDHSE Moody Adams Field House
FARR Farr Hall
FBC-B First Baptist Church, Brandon
FBC-C First Baptist Church, Clinton
FBC-J First Baptist Church, Jackson
GAC Gore Arts Complex
HEDERM Hederman
HPLEX Healthplex
JENNNG Jennings
J-ANEX Jennings Annex
LAW Law School, Jackson Campus
LIBRY Leland Speed Library
LRC(in the Library) Learning Resources Center
MCC Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry
MCCRTS MC Tennis Courts
MEDSCI Royce Medical Science Building
NELSON Nelson Hall
PROVIN Provine Chapel
PDC Professional Development Center
RCSD BRD RM Rankin Co School District
SELF Self Hall
STRNTH Williams Strength Center
TBA To Be Arranged